Jim Bodkin APSA, PPSA

Tree Swallow by Jim Bodkin
Tree Swallow. Photo by Jim Bodkin

For years I have been a film photographer of family and travel events, but not until the advent of ‘good’ digital cameras and the flexibility of retirement did I become a focused Nature photographer.

I am a former electrical engineer/manager/consultant and an experienced computer user, who welcomed the merging of photography and computers as an exciting extension of my skills and interests. As an avid traveler, I also had the desire to search out natural subjects and locations, which made the adventure more enticing, as well as a wife who was equally interested, so it became a joint activity.

Our education was through Riverwoods Nature Photographic Society camera club activities and Morton Arboretum Nature Photography certification program, plus a lot of reading, listening to presentations, viewing videos and eventually competing at the local, regional, national and international levels where I have won awards and commendations.

I joined the Photographic Society of America gained APSA and PPSA distinctions and later became Chair of the Nature Division. I enjoy and photograph all natural subjects: especially birds, animals, wild flowers and landscapes.

In my photography I strive to achieve an authentic representation of nature’s intricate design, brilliant color pallet, changing weather conditions and cycles of life.

My personal website is bodkinphotography.smugmug.com/ and e-mail address is [email protected]

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