Barrington Area Digital Photo Gallery Mission
BADPG’s mission is to promote awareness and appreciation of the natural beauty of the Barrington, Illinois area through digital imagery, to maintain an accessible, juried gallery of these images for public viewing and to contribute to the historic record of the Barrington area.

Along with raising awareness of the natural beauty of the Barrington area, we hope this site serves as a catalyst to encourage viewers to visit the many parks and preserves in our area throughout the year. Each of the four seasons we experience in Barrington has its own unique beauty, flora and fauna. So whether you don shorts, or a parka and gloves, we encourage everyone to “get outside” and immerse themselves in each wonderous season.
We are fortunate to have several preserves in our area that are designed to provide ready access to the public—see the list below of Cook and Lake County Preserves in our area.
We do encourage viewers to respect private property in their exploration of nature.